About the show
We (Julia and Jonathan) happen to be academics and also happen to be psychologists studying speech perception. We want to make awesome science, make science awesome, and share what we’ve learned with a broad audience. In The Juice and the Squeeze, we peel apart issues in our careers and beyond (e.g., prioritizing, imposter syndrome, motivation, and more).
The juice and the squeeze on social media
Episode 34: It takes a whole village of pit crew
December 22nd, 2020 | 44 mins 39 secs
Mentors are great, but can’t meet all our needs. In the last episode of 2020, Julia and Jonathan explore other people in our support networks, how we can find them, and why they are useful to have.
Episode 33: As an academic, the best time to have children is...
December 1st, 2020 | 51 mins 39 secs
parenting, work-life balance
After very excellent banter about Frozen Custard and Julia inventing a new Winter Holiday, your hosts offer wide ranging thoughts on having children as an academic. The general theme is along the lines of “don’t let anyone tell you what to do but here are our experiences and some things you might want to think about”. And, a little about what we, and institutions, might be able to do to help normalize all genders being involved in childcare and family life.
Episode 32: Which niche will you pick?
October 27th, 2020 | 48 mins 20 secs
Julia likes Halloween JUST A LITTLE and Julia and Jonathan start with their annual review of Julia’s Halloween plans. Then, on to talk about finding a research niche. It turns out it's not Leonardo Da Vinci times where it’s possible for one person to know everything, and Julia and Jonathan extol the virtues of programmatic research (and some hints on how to find your program).
Episode 31: Grant writing: Who's your audience?
October 20th, 2020 | 50 mins 43 secs
Julia and Jonathan have a wide-ranging discussion on grant writing, starting with a basic question: Which audience are you writing for? Topics include the mindset of your reviewers (hint: not always as expert as you might think), how to handle resubmissions, and our wish that it were easier to see examples of grants.
Episode 30: We thank the reviewers for their helpful comments
October 6th, 2020 | 57 mins 20 secs
You get reviewer comments back on your manuscript. How do you respond to them? Julia and Jonathan give their perspective on picking your battles, structuring a response letter, and how much to include vs. not. Some of us get grumpy when we read reviews, and many of us have experience with Grumpy Reviewer 2. But what about Helpful Reviewer 4? Also, your hosts invite David Tennant to be a guest on the podcast next time Julia is out of town.
Episode 29: Reviewing
September 22nd, 2020 | 1 hr 5 mins
Peer review is an integral part of the scientific endeavor. Julia and Jonathan share thoughts about why we review, and how we review. And, some thoughts on how to review less if you review a lot, and how to review MORE if you’d like to get started.
Episode 28: "Soft" skills
September 8th, 2020 | 49 mins 20 secs
Be serenaded by the dulcet tones of crying babies while you hear Julia and Jonathan discuss poorly-named “soft skills” of academia, including project management, general organization, and taking care of yourself (“sharpening your saw”). Empathy and theory-of-mind are undervalued as soft skills but are probably things we can practice. Imposter syndrome makes an appearance. And, Jonathan also explores a unique publishing opportunity.
Episode 27: Postdocs and how to apply for them
August 27th, 2020 | 57 mins 30 secs
What’s a postdoc? Why might you do one? And, how do you get one? Jonathan and Julia talk about their own experiences and advice, including why it’s never too early to start and why considering the F word is useful. But before any of that, a refreshing digression on cocktails and clear ice.
Episode 26: Online teaching
August 11th, 2020 | 1 hr 3 mins
Julia and Jonathan have been thinking a lot about online teaching. Not claiming to be experts they share what’s worked well and what they are excited about for the coming term. Office hours? Casual interactions? Small group discussions? We’ve got ideas for you. Bonus: hear how Julia learned about controlled burns (yes, it’s related).
Episode 25: Applying for a professor job at a small liberal arts college (SLAC)
July 21st, 2020 | 49 mins 44 secs
Interested in what a job at a small liberal arts college (SLAC) is like? Julia shares about her job (spoiler: she likes her job just a little) and offers advice on things to consider when applying for a similar job. Pssst: teaching experience helps. (And, follow-up reply to an email where the hosts reject a listener’s suggestion that it is entirely their fault they have a difficult relationship with their advisor.)
Episode 24: Virtual conferences
July 7th, 2020 | 46 mins 35 secs
With many (all?) conferences online for the foreseeable future, Julia and Jonathan talk about the pros and cons of online conferences, using SIPS (which Julia just attended) as a jumping off point. How do we fight “Zoom fatigue”? What advantages do online conferences offer and how can we take advantage of them?
Episode 23: When the going gets tough
June 24th, 2020 | 44 mins 32 secs
Turns out, life isn’t always easy. Julia and Jonathan explore some ways that we can help ourselves, and others, when we are going through difficult times (academic and otherwise), including the importance of modeling dealing with disappointment for our trainees (and colleagues) and having a network of people to turn to for support.
Episode 22: Taking time to listen
June 9th, 2020 | 2 mins 49 secs
Julia and Jonathan have a short show this week so you have time to listen to one of the other great podcasts by Black academics linked to in our show notes.
Episode 21: Congratulations, you are now a Mentor!
May 27th, 2020 | 57 mins 2 secs
Mentoring is one of those things in life that is super important but that most of us don’t get much training about. Julia and Jonathan talk about how mentees can seek out effective mentors (understanding everyone differs in their flexibility), and things mentors can do to be more helpful. And a friendly reminder that you’re never to young to have a mentor, or to be a mentor.
Episode 20: Registered reports
May 12th, 2020 | 45 mins 38 secs
Julia and Jonathan are excited about registered reports. They discuss pros (many) and cons (none?) and try to provide an overview of the process for newbies. Also, find out the best food to cook in your waffle maker (hint: it may not be a waffle).
Episode 19: Sharing more is caring more
April 28th, 2020 | 53 mins 51 secs
Jonathan and Julia—and special guest Violet Brown—muse over sharing sciency things that AREN’T code and data (such as knowledge about statistical analysis or writing grants). What is the best way to share this knowledge, who’s our audience, and why bother? Plus, find out whether you are in Jonathan’s scientific generation or not.